Q Life Magazine - Issue 12 Pathway to Peace | Page 17

Pathway to Peace nternational cooperation means enabling

“ Iopportunities , saving lives , and fulfilling Qatar ’ s objectives in development diplomacy ”, explains HE Lolwah bint Rashid Al Khater .

Since joining Qatar ’ s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2017 , HE Al Khater has been actively involved in several initiatives that have given her hope for the future of international cooperation , with Qatar ’ s leading role in the Afghan evacuation being a significant example .
In August 2021 , Qatar facilitated the evacuation and repatriation of more than 100,000 individuals from Afghanistan , including Afghan students , teachers , activists , and musicians . Qatar additionally received and facilitated thousands of evacuation requests from around the world , including from governments , international news publications , NGOs , international organisations , and social media companies .
to promote the rights of women , children , and marginalised groups . “ Most recently , Qatar has been facilitating track II dialogues in Doha that put all aspects of the Afghan civil society from different backgrounds on the same table to discuss the various issues facing the Afghan people and come up with solutions to push Afghanistan towards prosperity ”, HE Al Khater explains .
Qatar ’ s efforts in Afghanistan illustrate and align with Article 7 of the Constitution , which states that Qatar ’ s foreign policy is based on the principle of promoting international peace and security . Moreover , Qatar ’ s commitment to dialogue and engagement to resolve disputes have made it an ideal candidate for a mediation role in any conflict .
HE Al Khater was on the ground in Qatar during the evacuation process : “ I had the privilege of encountering extraordinary individuals from different walks of life . However , the most common characteristic I found among our Afghan brothers and sisters was their unwavering hope for a prosperous life , which inevitably instilled hope within me as well ”.
Throughout the evacuation process , Qatar provided a safe and comfortable haven for Afghan evacuees , housing them in Qatar while they awaited transit to their final destinations . These evacuees were accommodated in furnished units initially developed for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ .
They were provided with meals , free quality healthcare , and basic amenities . “ It is important to note that the evacuees had direct access to three on-site clinics , a field hospital , a mental health clinic , and a dedicated mental health hotline ”, adds HE Al Khater .
Since the evacuations , Qatar has continued to support the aspirations of the Afghan people for security , stability , and development , while striving
Qatar ’ s role is practiced through active mediation , humanitarian and development assistance , as well as counterterrorism efforts .
HE Lolwah bint Rashid Al Khater Minister of State for International Cooperation for the State of Qatar