Q Life Magazine - Issue 12 Pathway to Peace | Page 20

Issue 12
From crisis to resolution

A mediator ' s perspective

His Excellency Dr . Mutlaq bin Majed Al Qahtani is the Special Envoy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Counterterrorism and Mediation in Conflict Resolution . With a wealth of experience mediating disputes of global significance , HE Dr . Mutlaq offers valuable insights into the field of mediation .
What first interested you in mediation and how did you get into this field ?
My interest dates back to studying international law in university and becoming aware of mediation ’ s importance as an effective tool to settle international disputes .
When I joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in July 1995 , this coincided with Qatar ' s growing focus on using mediation as a fundamental element of its foreign policy . Over the past 25 years , mediation has remained a priority in Qatar ' s foreign affairs , skillfully managed by its leaders .
As complex challenges have been resolved , my dedication to its practice has only grown , and I ’ m always inspired by the unwavering support and confidence from my colleagues .