Q Life Magazine - Issue 12 Pathway to Peace | Page 42

Issue 12
Once the immediate response plan was in place , QRCS led on the construction of a residential city in northern Syria , catering to the needs of 50,000 internally displaced people ( IDPs ). This groundbreaking initiative included temporary homes and a comprehensive range of public amenities such as mosques , shops , schools , and health centres . A further 437-tent IDP camp was established in Afrin , while an existing camp was expanded with the addition of 150 new tents to accommodate affected families .
The response of QRCS and other Qatari organisations in the wake of the Türkiye-Syria earthquake exemplifies Qatar ’ s expertise in humanitarian relief efforts and its unwavering dedication to helping those in need . Today , Qatar continues to support reconstruction plans aimed at bringing prosperity back to the affected regions .
Did you know ?
Qatar Red Crecent Society ’ s response to the Türkiye-Syria Earthquake was part of a carefully orchestrated relief effort by the State of Qatar . Within the first 15 days following the earthquake , the State of Qatar :
• Flew 40 humanitarian flights carrying supplies from Qatar to Türkiye
• Donated more than $ 150 million of humanitarian aid including food and medical aid for victims in Türkiye and northern Syria
• Delivered 10,000 mobile homes that were previously used as accommodation during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 for those affected by the earthquake
• Established three field hospitals providing recovery and emergency care services
QRCS swiftly responding to the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Türkiye-Syria .