Q Life Magazine - Issue 12 Pathway to Peace | Page 45

Pathway to Peace


Planning the response
If the criteria for intervention are met , an emergency response plan is drafted , including the proposed areas for relief and the estimated implementation time .

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After the humanitarian
Budgeting appeal is issued , a
The budget for fundraising campaign launching the is launched under humanitarian appeal the supervision of a is estimated and special committee with submitted . Once representatives from approved , QRCS ’ s across the organisation .
Contingency Disaster Response Fund allocates the necessary funds for the intervention .
Gathering support
The Relief and Disaster Management Department contacts local and international partners to coordinate response plans . To solicit support from the Government of Qatar , an intervention plan is sent to Qatar ’ s Ministry of Foreign Affairs , QFFD , and other key authorities .
The most rewarding moment for relief workers is witnessing the happiness of beneficiaries upon receiving humanitarian aid .
Qatar Red Crescent Society