Q Life Magazine - Issue 12 Pathway to Peace | Page 23

Pathway to Peace
What sets Qatar apart from other countries that play an active role in international mediation ?
Qatar ’ s international reputation as a global mediator is well-regarded for many reasons , the most important of which is its credibility , transparency , and impartiality . Qatar also has the flexibility and ability to communicate with all parties despite potential cultural differences .
Qatar does not have a hidden agenda and does not seek to exploit the economic and political conditions of others . Instead , our main goal is to help countries achieve prosperity and sustainable development . These values set Qatar apart and mean that many parties willingly seek out our help to resolve their conflicts .
Considering your experience , what are the key factors to consider before agreeing to mediate ?
First , it must be assessed whether mediation can help the situation at hand . This involves evaluating the seriousness and credibility of the parties involved , understanding their objectives , and determining if there is a genuine possibility of resolving the conflict through mediation .
Secondly , information gathering must take place to understand the root causes of the conflict , the parties involved , and any previous attempts at resolving the issue .
Thirdly , work is required to create momentum and seek regional and international consensus , consulting with regional and international partners where needed .
Moreover , it is important to be flexible , patient , adaptable , and understand the cultural sensitivities of the parties involved – there is no single solution that applies to all conflicts . The process of negotiation and mediation lies in the mediator ' s ability to find consensus between all parties .
What would you define as a successful mediation effort ?
The role and responsibility of the mediator is to make every effort to achieve the best possible outcome , but the ultimate success of the negotiations depends on the parties involved .
It is important to distinguish between signing a peace agreement and its actual implementation . The mediator guides the parties towards reaching an acceptable resolution and signing the agreement . This is how success in mediation is measured . However , the responsibility for implementing the agreement rests primarily with the parties themselves and their commitment to respecting each other ’ s culture , beliefs , and the geopolitical context of the negotiation .
What would you ultimately like people to remember when it comes to Qatar ’ s mediation work ?
That Qatar is a peace-loving country , a country that does not seek fame for its mediation efforts , a country where our sole focus is accomplishing regional and global peace and stability . I am confident that the State of Qatar and its leadership has the ability to settle many crises to come , when the conditions are appropriate for our mediation .
HE Dr . Mutlaq bin Majed Al Qahtani with HE Emomali Rahmon , President of Tajikistan