Q Life Magazine - Issue 12 Pathway to Peace | Page 34

Issue 12
As a public servant , you ’ re assigned to where you ’ re needed most . In my case , I was tasked in 2014 with using my experience and strong organisational , financial , and management skills , to lead QFFD ’ s internal restructuring efforts . This was during our transition from a government-run to independently-run organisation , during which I also oversaw development and humanitarian operations .
In what ways have you seen the positive impact of QFFD on people ’ s lives ?
Since 2014 , the Fund has allocated and disbursed more than $ 6 billion in development and humanitarian interventions – reaching millions of people worldwide .
One of the touching stories that always comes to mind is that of Noor Jouma . A young woman was born and raised in Syria , Noor was convinced that education was her family ’ s only ticket out of