Q Life Magazine - Issue 12 Pathway to Peace | Page 35

Pathway to Peace poverty . She applied for scholarships for four years , but was repeatedly denied because one of the requirements was to carry a national identity card – which she had lost .
Imagine a scenario where your future hangs on having access to one small piece of paper . When we heard about Noor ’ s profile , she was immediately awarded a scholarship funded by QFFD through our strategic partners at Education Above All Foundation ’ s Al Fakhoora programme .
Thanks to the programme , Noor was offered an opportunity in Jordan , studying business management at the Luminus Technical University College . She has since graduated and now works at the same university , making excellent use of all her abilities and accomplishments .
Is there something you wish people knew about QFFD and international development , that often is misunderstood ?
An aspect that is often misunderstood about QFFD and the international development realm more widely , is the complexity and long-term nature of the work . Development takes time . It is not a quick fix , but a gradual process that involves addressing root causes and promoting systemic change . Understanding this point helps dispel misconceptions and provide a more accurate picture of the complexities and nuances involved in international development work .
At a time when the world is seemingly witnessing an increasing number of crises , how does QFFD work to make the biggest impact on those in need ?
Through our Emergency Response Management team , QFFD is often one of the first responders to both natural and manmade crises . For example , when the devastating earthquake hit the southern region of Türkiye and northern parts of Syria in February this year , QFFD mobilised immediate relief aid to both countries in less than 72 hours .
Our humanitarian apparatus , including that of Qatari partners and other government agencies , sent hospital supplies , medicine , food , water , hygiene kits , hot meals , tents and blankets , which were crucial for saving lives and treating the wounded . Overall , QFFD delivered 10,000 mobiles houses to Türkiye in less than two months - which were providing dignified long-term temporary shelters for over 50,000 people .
We took similar measures when the conflict erupted in Sudan in April 2023 . One thing that is certain is the occurrence and magnitude of natural disasters , as well as the frequency and protracted nature of civil conflicts and wars . It is taking a toll on the global humanitarian system , in which we actively participate as partners . At QFFD , we are committed to continuing our efforts in saving lives and ensuring that , along with our aid partners , we are present where we are needed most .
HE Khalifa bin Jassim Al Kuwari