Q Life Magazine - Issue 12 Pathway to Peace | Page 38

Issue 12
“ When there is a war or armed conflict , schools are a haven for children to feel safe , find community and to play ”, she says . “ Moreover , as the length of conflicts has now increased to decades rather than years , it is essential that we do not wait until conflict has ended before we provide quality education that is a key resource to help communities end conflict and to build peace ”, adds Dr . Malik .
Among the various ways EAA helps children in difficult settings is by building schools in remote or underserved areas , providing financial support for families who cannot afford schooling costs , and offering psychosocial support for children affected by conflict or disaster . By tailoring its interventions to the specific needs and contexts of the communities it serves , EAA ensures that more children have the opportunity to access quality primary education .
Today , EAA has commitments to reach 15 million out-of-school children and youth in more than 60 countries and has provided $ 2.6 billion in investment to achieve this . Its relentless advocacy has contributed to global initiatives such as Safe Schools Declaration and the International Day to Protect Education from Attack .
As Dr . Malik aptly puts it , “ Through foundations like Education Above All , Qatar is not just a benefactor , but a strategic partner , actively engaging in multiple international agendas such as transforming education , health , nutrition , and poverty alleviation ”.
With the Education Above All Foundation at the forefront of the path towards inclusive and equitable quality education for all , the world can look more confidently towards a future where education truly becomes a catalyst for positive change , unlocking the full potential of every child , and shaping a brighter world for everyone .
EAA is lighting up the path of education for children in developing countries , ensuring a brighter future for all .