Resilient by nature
For the frontline heroes in the medical sector,
helping others is “more than just a job”, as Al-Atey
clarifies. She feels that she was “put in this position to
do what I can to contribute to society.”
Day in and day out, Al-Atey observed her fellow
frontline workers willingly accept the risks associated
with their work as they demonstrated exceptional
selflessness and conquered their understandable
fear of infection.
It only seems befitting that the World Health
Organization (WHO) has designated 2020 as the
“International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife”.
Healthcare professionals around the world share her
feeling of isolation. Nonetheless, in Al-Atey’s words,
“we do what is necessary at this time to keep the
people we care about safe.”
Her extraordinary bravery is echoed across the
medical world and amplified by the unique
challenges of the pandemic.
Al-Atey is hopeful for the future of medicine
after having seen Qatar’s healthcare system
rapidly innovate in the face of adversity. “We have
demonstrated that we can handle these challenges
as long as we do so together.”
The work does not come without incredible risks
and sacrifices, particularly at a time of strict social
distancing measures.
Nurses on the
frontlines of the fight
against COVID-19